Treating Osteoporosis: Advances in the Application of Newer Drugs
Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease and its prevalence increases with age affecting approximately 200 million people worldwide. Most osteoporosis therapies aim at inhibiting bone resorption, while only a few are capable of actively promoting the generation of new bone tissue. Osteoporosis treatment with anti-Sclerostin antibodies is an newer osteo-anabolic therapy that stimulates bone formation and inhibits at the same time bone resorption. This recent review by Rauner M. and colleagues highlights the advances in the application of this newer drug in the treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.
Osteoporosis Treatment with Anti-Sclerostin Antibodies—Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Application. Rauner M, Taipaleenmäki H, Tsourdi E, Winter EM. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; 10(4):787.
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